We know that Covid-19 has left a lot of people out of work, disproportionately impacting low-income communities, women, and people of color. For some people, losing work has been a catalyst to reskill and change careers by going to a school like Epicodus, but many people who would most benefit from learning new skills don't have access to the technology that would allow them to take advantage of online learning. 

That's why Epicodus is participating in Career Karma’s Reskill America campaign, an initiative to raise $500,000 and give away thousands of laptops to communities impacted by Covid-19.

Career Karma will consider you for a laptop if:

- You have applied and have been accepted into Epicodus.
- You come from an underrepresented background. This includes women, underrepresented racial and ethnic groups (African American/Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American/Alaskan, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander), low-income households, persons with disabilities, and veterans.
- You have lost a job, had your hours reduced or have been furloughed due to Covid-19.
- You do not own a personal computer/laptop.

If these apply to you, you can fill out an application for a laptop here.

Don’t need a laptop, but want to help further the cause? You can donate to Career Karma’s fundraising efforts here!

If you meet Career Karma’s criteria, you may be eligible for our financial aid option that allows students who are un- or under-employed to take our classes and not pay tuition until they find a job. You can learn more about how that works here.